Proof of income for self employed mortgage customers

A guide on how to obtain the important documents that mortgage lenders will require when you are Self-employed and want a mortgage.

Contrary to popular belief it is not normally any more difficult to get a mortgage if you are self employed but without payslips although the documents you’ll need to provide are a little different. Most lenders will now let you prove your income using your Tax Calculation and Tax Year Overview, both of which can be quickly downloaded from the HMRC online portal.

How to print a Tax Calculation from your HMRC online account

  1. Log into the HMRC online account (go to – the ‘security message’ page will now be shown
  2. Select ‘next’ to continue
  3. Follow the link ‘Self Assessment details and options’ on the Self Assessment home page - the ‘current position’ page will now be shown
  4. Follow the link ‘tax return options’
  5. Choose the year from the drop down menu and select the ‘Go’ button
  6. Select the ‘view return’ button
  7. Follow the link ‘view your calculation’ from the left hand navigation menu.
  8. Follow the link ‘view and print your calculation’ at the bottom of the page.
  9. Follow the link at the bottom of the page to ‘print your full calculation’

How to print a Tax Year Overview from your HMRC online account

  1. Log into the HMRC online account (go to – the ‘security message’ page will now be shown
  2. Select ‘next’ to continue
  3. Select either ‘Self Assessment Account’ or ‘Self Assessment’ (the link shown will depend on what services you are registered for) – the ‘current position’ page will now be shown
  4. Follow the link ‘tax years’ from the left hand navigation menu
  5. Choose the year from the drop down menu and select the ‘Go’ button
  6. Follow the link ‘print your Tax Year Overview’

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