Diary of a First-time buyer - Part 2
Part 2 - Viewing a property and what to do next! Continuing the story of our client manager Beth's home buying journey.

OMG! Who knew how nerve-wracking going to view houses could be? Trawling through online listings and walking past estate agent’s windows looking for suitable houses is exciting but also very frustrating. Wrong location, small bathroom/kitchen, no garden – there is no such thing as the perfect house. It can sometimes take a while to find properties you actually wish to arrange a viewing on. Add to this the fact that when you do enquire the house is often already sold/ under offer or there is a lengthy list of people to view ahead of you and it can take a while longer than expected!
But…we did it! Took the plunge and booked to see a couple of potential properties and off we went. This makes it sound easy, but you have to find a suitable time, often during work hours as that’s when the estate agent is available to do viewings and then work out what questions you want to ask when you get there! I found this part quite scary even though I have some practice through work of what questions might come up later – it doesn’t help I assure you! (Check out our other first-time buyer blogs for more ideas on what to ask at a viewing)
We went to see these properties, but they weren’t quite right, and we then booked to see another one after work one day. We arrived at the property at the advised time and were told quite bluntly by the vendor that the house had sold that morning, so we no longer had an appointment! ☹
Onwards and upwards as they say. We looked again and found some possibilities but then another property came on the market which was in the right location but possibly needed more renovation work than we were prepared for. Should we book to view or not bother? Luckily, we decided to have a look just in case! And guess what - we loved it!
Our next step was to make an offer on the property!
See how we got on in part 3 of my first-time buyer blog coming very soon.

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