Key Mortgages Charity Golf Day 2022

On Friday 27 May we held our second charity golf day on behalf of our charity partner PASIC – Cancer support for children and young people.

Louise and Harriet from the charity were kind enough to come down for a coffee first thing in the morning to see the players (fortified by a bacon cob) tee off in the beautiful sunshine.

36 holes of golf in one day is no easy feat, especially at Mapperley Golf course which, unsurprisingly given the area, is very hilly. The golf buggies were in high demand after a lunchtime break as everyone had started to get tired and there were a few niggly injuries after playing the first 18 holes.

The weather held all day, and we got some fabulous photos as the backdrop of the golf course is fantastic. This year by holding it earlier in the year we were also able to finish playing before it got dark and retire to the clubhouse for a curry and a pint to finish off the day! 😊

We’re still totting up the totals but, thanks to an amazing fundraising effort from all our players and sponsors, we are on track to more than double the amount raised at our first golf day in 2021.

Thank you to everyone for sponsoring, donating and playing – it is very much appreciated.